Il y a 20 ans, le 1er octobre 2000, disparaissait Rosie Douglas, Premier ministre de la Dominique, qui a œuvré toute sa vie politique pour un rapprochement des pays de la Caraïbe.
« Grand ami de la Guadeloupe, il a toujours œuvré pour la coopération entre nos deux pays. C’est avec lui que le CO.RE.CA a organisé sa première activité en novembre 1992 pour célébrer le peuple Kalinago au moment où les Européens fêtaient les 500 ans de l’arrivée de Christophe Colomb », commente Julien Mérion, l’âme du CO.RE.CA.
En savoir plus : https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosie_Douglas
Rosie Douglas Legacy Day
Friday October 1st 2021 marks 21 years since the death of Prime Minister Roosevelt “Rosie” Douglas.
Rosie would have been 80 years on Friday 15th October 2021. We would like to celebrate the legacy of Rosie with various activities on Friday 15th October. The proposed events include :
. A du van jour graveside memorial at Hampstead followed by a run/jog/walk to Portsmouth via Bense, Anse-du-Mai, Anse-Solder, Paix Bouche, (his first House of Assembly constituency).

. Students Essay Competition
Essay speech of winners delivered on National Media
The essay competition will be conducted as follows : TOPIC: WHAT DOES ROSIE DOUGLAS MEAN TOME ?
1. High School Students: Fourth Form, Fifth Form, and 20 and under students at Academix
Maximum of 1500 words
1. $200 – Winner2. $100 – First runner up3. $50 – Second runner up
2. High School Students: First Form, Second Form, and Third Form students
Maximum 1000 words
PRIZES:1. $150 – Winner2. $75 – First runner up3. $50 – Second runner up
3. Primary School Students
Maximum of 600 words
PRIZES:1. $100 – Winner2. $75 – First runner up3. $50
. Second runner up
The biography of Rosie : Rosie Douglas : Fearless Fighter for Freedom will be donated to the school library of each participating school.
The schools invited to participate are:
High Schools : Portsmouth Secondary SchoolSeventh Day Adventist High SchoolSt. John’s AcademyAcademix (students 20 and under)
Primary Schools : Roosevelt Douglas Primary SchoolSt. John’s Primary SchoolPaix Bouche Primary SchoolBense Primary School
Submit essays to : portsmouthwatchfoundation@gmail.com
For further information contact: Warshwoa Douglas at 225 7694